Werkstudent/Masterstudent: Kalman Filtering for Sensor Fusion in an Orbital Robotic Servicing Mission Scenario


Orbital robotics research is advancing rapidly towards software integration and on-ground testing, in view of future in-orbit missions to approach, capture and service a target satellite. A primary mode of operation is based on the autonomy of the robot, which involves the sequential execution of perception, state estimation, planning and control tasks. Dedicated on-ground facilities, like the OOS-SIM, allow testing the functionality of these components on ground.

Fig. OOS-SIM experimental facility at the DLR for reproducing the orbital environment on ground [4].

The proposed work aims to solve the sensor fusion of the pose estimates of a tumbling target satellite from LIDAR-based and camera-based pose estimation algorithms. We want to develop and implement an Extended Kalman Filter for combined state estimation of the chaser and the target states, see our prior work in [1]. This has become a mission standard, and is foreseen as a strategy for on-orbit robotics missions [2,3]. The complexity of the task lies in the out-of-sequence measurement update for sensors (camera, LIDAR) that vary in their rates of measurement. The filter's performance will be evaluated with real measurement data from our OOS-SIM facility, as well as pose-estimation machine-learning algorithms available at our lab.


  • Enrolled in a Master’s degree in robotics, computer science or a related field
  • Knowledge of C++ and MATLAB/Simulink
  • Bonus: Experience with robot control and dynamics and familiarity with Kalman Filter theory and implementation

Open position:

Working student (10 hrs/week) starting as soon as possible for a 2/3-month period, followed by a 6-month period as a Master student.

Related Literature:

[1] Robust Estimation of Motion States for Free-Floating Tumbling Target Capture, Poó Gallardo, Abril and Mishra, Hrishik and Massimo Giordano, Alessandro and Lampariello, Roberto, 2019 IEEE Aerospace Conference.

[2] Satellite and robotic arm combined control for spacecraft close-proximity operations, Basana, Federico et al., CEAS Space Journal, 2024.

[3] EROSS: In-Orbit Demonstration of European Robotic Orbital Support Services, Roa, Máximo A. et al., 2024 IEEE Aerospace Conference


Office (ARR)

Institut für Robotik und Mechatronik
Analyse und Regelung komplexer Robotersysteme
Münchener Straße 20, 82234 Oberpfaffenhofen-Weßling