Technology platform for power-to-liquid fuels (TPP)

A decisive step for the market ramp-up of electricity-based fuels

From today's perspective, electricity-based fuels are indispensable for the defossilisation of long- and medium-haul flights, shipping and heavy goods transport. With the technology platform for power-to-liquid fuels (TPP), the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) aims to accelerate the market ramp-up of electricity-based fuels - also known as power-to-liquid fuels (PtL) or e-fuels. The aim of the project is to produce several thousand tonnes per year, leaving the laboratory and taking the first step towards industrial production. To this end, the overall integration of a production plant of this size is being trialled for the first time.

On 14 March 2023, the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) announced that DLR had been awarded the contract to build the platform. DLR received around 12.7 million euros from the BMDV for the planning phase of the PtL technology platform. DLR presented the results of this planning project in Leuna on 16 October. Construction of the facility is expected to begin in 2024, with research operations scheduled to start in 2028.

The TPP will have a capacity of several thousand tonnes per year. A modular design is planned for the plant. This will allow different production methods and the technologies and components required for them to be analysed and compared in terms of their suitability for practical use. After all, not everything that works on a small scale in the laboratory can be easily transferred to industrial production.

Electricity-based fuels - alongside alternative drive systems and further improvements in efficiency and utilisation - are an important pillar for climate and environmentally friendly mobility, especially for air and sea transport," said DLR Chairwoman Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla.

DLR researchers will use the facility to produce and comprehensively evaluate fuels and optimise fuel properties for commercial applications in the air, on water and for heavy goods transport. Interested parties from research and industry can get involved and test their own ideas.

But the facility, which is funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Affairs, is not only available to researchers from DLR - it can also be used by all interested industrial companies and research institutions from all over Europe for their own research purposes.

Animation: PtL technology platform (TPP) – an overview of the central components
The PtL technology platform consists of a demonstration and a research element. The focus of the demonstration element is achieving the most efficient production of e-fuels on a semi-industrial level. The research element focuses on the development of technologies to optimise production processes and fuel properties.
»The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport as part of the Funding Programme Renewable Fuels. The PtL technology platform (TPP) is coordinated by NOW GmbH and supported by the project management agency VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH


Prof. Dr. Manfred Aigner

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Combustion Technology
Pfaffenwaldring 38-40, 70569 Stuttgart