The project seeks to achieve this goal at Class H operating temperatures required for the highest cycle efficiency while meeting emission targets - i.e. under the most demanding combustion conditions for hydrogen. The combustion chamber used is based on Ansaldo Energia's Constant Pressure Sequential Combustion (CPSC) technology. The conversion will be demonstrated step by step under full gas turbine operating conditions (TRL6).

The numerical simulations during the development of the sequential combustion system will be accompanied by special tests of a simplified sequential combustion chamber geometry at GT-relevant operating conditions in an optically accessible test rig at the institute. The tests will provide the experimental data both for the validation of the numerical modelling and for the optimisation of the engine operating concept.
Prototypes of the combustion chamber will be tested on a 1:1 scale, both under atmospheric conditions to validate the ignition procedures and under full engine operating conditions (including temperature, pressure, fuel and air mass flows). The operation of the combustion chamber is then validated with all natural gas-hydrogen mixtures up to 100 % H2 in order to achieve TRL6.