Micro gas turbine systems

Capstone C30 micro gas turbine
The C30 micro gas turbine from Capstone has already been used for several scientific studies and equipped with detailed measurement technology.
The institute has several micro gas turbine systems for research work in connection with the topics of decentralised power/heat supply and the development of jet-stabilised combustion chamber systems with recirculation.
These can be used to take measurements on existing systems, experimentally assess new power plant concepts or test the developed combustion chamber systems in real applications. Thanks to the detailed instrumentation with measurement technology, it is also possible to generate validation data for simulation tools.
The following micro gas turbine systems are available at the institute:
- EnerTwin from MTT with an electrical output of 3kW
- C30 from Capstone with an electrical output of 30kW
- T100 from Turbec (now Ansaldo) with an electrical output of 100 kW
- CPS from Dürr with an electrical output of 100 kW, installed in a container for mobile use
- Micro gas turbine system in the Research Power Plant (FoKW)
Dr. Peter Kutne
Head of Department
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Combustion Technology
Pfaffenwaldring 38-40, 70569 Stuttgart