Research Power Plant

Innovative, fuel-flexible and low-emission decentralised power plant concepts are developed and constructed as demonstration plants in the research power plant.
The properties and operating behaviour of micro gas turbines can be tested here experimentally in the lower output range of up to 30 kWel. New interconnection and coupling concepts can also be tested. The laboratory has several spaces available for this purpose.
The infrastructure of the laboratory is designed for systems with an air mass flow of up to 4500 Nm³/h of filtered outside air and a maximum feed-in of 100 kW of electrical power. The laboratory also has a broad media supply, ranging from compressed air and high-pressure natural gas to a synthesis gas panel, which can be used to compile the required gas mixture from the individual gases H2, O2, CH4, CO, CO2 and N2.
For the test benches, all relevant process parameters such as mass flows, temperatures, pressures and acoustic vibrations can be recorded with a measurement data acquisition system. The basic equipment in the field of measurement technology also includes an exhaust gas analyser. This can be used to continuously measure the components O2, CO, CO2, NO, NO2, UHC, H2O of the exhaust gas.
The research centre is currently also home to the large-scale research facility for pressurised SOFC systems (hybrid power plant) at the Institute of Technical Thermodynamics.