Video: A study in operating limits for the combustion of hydrogen
Video: A study in operating limits for the combustion of hydrogen
The video provides an impression of the challenge yielding safe and stable combustion with hydrogen as fuel. Early in the video, a stable premixed hydrogen flame can be seen under typical gas turbine conditions, with a combustor pressure of around 8 bar. A small increase in the hydrogen level, and a resulting increase in flame temperature, leads to the flashback, during which the flame travels upstream through the mixing section to the hydrogen injection point in just a few milliseconds. In this case, damage or even complete destruction of the burner hardware can only be prevented by switching off the hydrogen immediately. As was identified during the investigations in the #OptiSysKom project, the occurrence of flashbacks is reproducible under otherwise constant conditions in a relatively narrow temperature range, but can be initiated by even slight fluctuations in the operating conditions.