mobile asteroid surface scout



MASCOT (mobile asteroid surface scout) is an asteroid lander that was developed as the DLR contribution to JAXA's Hayabusa 2 mission.

2011-01-01 until 2018-12-31
rocket launch: 2014-12-03
Project partners:
Hayabusa 2 Mission (JAXA, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
• MASCOT structure (DLR Braunschweig FA-MFW)
• GNC, guidance, navigation & control system (DLR Bremen RY)
• PCDU, power and communication systems (CNES, Centre National D’études Spatiales)
• OBC, on board computer (Telespazio VEGA Deutschland GmbH)
• CAM, visible camera (DLR Berlin PF)
• MARA, infrared radiometer (DLR Berlin PF)
• MAG, magnetometer (Techincal University Braunschweig)
• MicroOmega, near infrared hyperspectral microscope (IAS Paris)
• MOB, mobility unit (DLR Oberpfaffenhofen RMC)
• Analysis of asteroid Ryugu’s mineral composition, temperature and magnetic characteristics
• Sample collection and return to earth

Project details

A special mechatronic mechanism allows the lander to upright to nominal position and to relocate on asteroid surface by hopping. The target asteroid 1999JU3 Ryugu offers only very little gravity. By accelerating and decelerating an eccentric arm with a brushless DC motor jerk is applied to the overall 10 kg system and MASCOT is able to hop on asteroid surface. As it is important for on board science instruments that MASCOT is oriented in nominal position, the compact mobility subsystem electronics is built redundant and put on a single PCB with envelope size of 95x105x18 mm. Due to space and weight limitations the actuator is not built redundant. On 3rd December 2014 at 05:22 CEST, a JAXA H IIA launch vehicle lifted off from the Tanegashima Space Center and the Hayabusa-II spacecraft together with its MASCOT lander began their journey through space. After a cruise of almost four years, Hayabusa-II with MASCOT will reach their target in summer 2018, where MASCOT will descend to the surface of the asteroid.

More information about the technical details can be found at the page about the MASCOT system.

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