
©Alexander Sohr

The project GIP2China cooperates with chinese citys to support them in improving their traffic management.

In the major cities of China, millions of new vehicles are causing increasing traffic congestion, air pollution and a shortage of parking space. Similar challenges have also been faced by other large cities. In recent years DLR has carried out various research projects in Europe and China, which have produced the "German Innovation Package - Traffic and Environment Monitoring System (TEMsys)". The GIP2China project presents TEMSys in other cities in China.


  • Contribution to social challenges

    • For energy-efficient, environmentally-oriented, low-emission mobility
    • Using new technologies and intelligent transport and mobility systems
  • Distribution and marketing of GIP (TEMSys)

    • System solutions for traffic and environment in China
    • TEMSys adaptations / extensions for other users, cities and provinces
    • Promotion of research services and results from Germany
  • Expand the network

    • Find cooperation participants in industry, research, cities and at other users
    • Joint project development and implementation
    • Joint marketing of application system solutions

TEMSys - Technology

  • Online: Real-time, green & safe Traffic Management

    • Traffic situation and prediction
    • Traffic environment monitoring (NOx, CO, SO2, PM2.5)
    • Fleet - fuel consumption optimization
    • Intersection Monitoring (Traffic safety and environment)
  • Offline: Obtaining a long-term understanding of the traffic and environment

    • Sustainable benefit analysis using traffic simulation (SUMO)
    • Szenario Analysis: Traffic and Environment Impact, Before and After analysis of traffic management measures
    • Support for decision-makers for environmentally friendly traffic Management


2016-02-09 Our Kick-Off

As one of ten outstanding research networks GIP2China is given a platform for presenting our innovative project within the campaign “Shaping the Future - Building the City of Tomorrow”. The official kick-off took place in Berlin at Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) on 9th February.

The GIP2China Team at the kick-off Event: Yun-Pang Flötteröd, Anke Sauerländer, Alexander Sohr, Eike Bretschneider and Xiaoxu Bei (LTR).



2017-03-01 German Science Day in Ho Chi Minh City

"20 years of Science & Technology Cooperation between Vietnam and Germany"

Together with other Smart City networks GIP2China presented the traffic and environment monitoring system with respect to the Vietnamese city structure and traffic demand.

2017-03-20 First trip to China

In the major cities of China millions of new vehicles are now causing increasing traffic congestion, air pollution and a shortage of parking space. They are therefore very interested in the DLR-project GIP2China with his scientific and technical consulting in research, development and implementation of system solutions, their extensions and costumer-oriented adaptations in the field of traffic management as well as environmental and future-oriented mobility solutions.

The first trip to China led the GIP2China- team to Beijing, Chengdu and the two smaller citys MianYang in the Sechuan Province and XuanCheng in the Anhui Province.


At a meeting with the KfW in Beijing the further procedure in the project ITS Construction for Huainan and the potentials for further projects were discussed. In addition the German embassy was visited and the project idea presented to the new transport councilor, Mrs. Petra Weindorf, and her Team.


The second stop of the trip was Chengdu (Sechuan Province). A first meeting with project participant EUPIC took place. In addition a workshop with the municipal authorities of Chengdu was held. The city has expressed great interest in GIP2China and will work with the GIP2China team to take further steps towards project management. A specialist workshop with all German project participants in Chengdu will be held in October.

The fastest developing region of Chengdu is the TianFu New City with a surface area of 1578 km². At a meeting with the administrative bodies of the City the great potentials of cooperation between GIP2China and the fast-growing district were identified. GIP2China plans further involvement in the city during the project period. During his stay in Chengdu, the project team was also presented at the German Consulate in Chengdu. Ingrid Delfs, the Deputy Consul General, has welcomed the activities in Chengdu and promised her further support.

The Project-Team visited the TianFu City-model accompanied by the TianFu City Government.

MianYang and XuanCheng:

In 2016 the city of MianYang has built up a modern parking management system, which has impressed the project team with its comprehensive data and management center. There is great interest in the further use of BigData by MianYang.
In XuanCheng, the project team was welcomed by the Deputy Mayor Yangchang TIAN, and the KfW-Model-Huainan was presented to the responsible authorities (Transport Police, Transportation Committee and Finance Department) during a meeting and analyzed the applicability to XuanCheng. Following the team's return to Germany, the city has already asked for further steps on the concrete approach that the GIP2China team is working on with local project participant AnhuiKeli.

2017-05-03 GIP2China at the "Smart Cities in New York City ’17"

Together with other German research networks in the BMBF’s international "Shaping the Future - Building the City of Tomorrow" campaign the GIP2China-team promoted themself at the "Smart Cities NYC ‘17" trade fair in New York to find international project participants for joint urban development projects.


Ellen Kelson


2017-05-31 MOST Sichuan

Under the lead of Mr. Pinhua YANG a delegation of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of the Sichuan province visited DLR in Berlin.

2017-10-25 International Forum for Urban Traffic and Environment

From October 25th to 27th, the International Forum for Urban Traffic and Environment was held in Chengdu, China, as a special event of “The 12th EU - China Business and Technology Cooperation Fair”. The international forum was jointly organized by the Institute of Transportation Systems of the German Aerospace Center (DLR), the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Anhui Institute of Optics and Physics (CAS- AIOFM) and the EU Project Innovation Center. More than 100 Chinese and foreign experts and scholars, government departments, enterprises and institutions attended the forum. The forum aims to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the field of traffic management and environmental protection so as to jointly promote the improvement of urban transport with environmentally friendly and efficient mobility.

At the opening ceremony of the forum Alexander Malcolm Fowles, Deputy Consul General of the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Chengdu, Pinhua Yang, Deputy director of Science & Technology Department of Sichuan Province, Marc Hohloch, Director of the Institute of Transportation Systems of the DLR, Dr. Pinhua Xie, Deputy Director of CAS- AIOFM, and Dr. Hong He, Beijing Representative Office of the German Helmholtz Association, addressed respectively the Open speech and emphasized that they should look forward to more win-win cooperation between China and Germany in the face of the key problems such as urban traffic pollution and jointly create a sustainable new concept of the urban mobility.

Academician and Professor Wenqing Liu, chief scientist of CAS- AIOFM, gave a keynote speech entitled "Application of Advanced Monitoring Technology in Motor Vehicle Emission Control and Supervision". The report mainly introduced the main pollutants of urban traffic emissions, on-site monitoring / telemetry tools for vehicle emissions, and all-dimensional monitoring instruments.

During the forum researchers from China and EU conducted academic exchanges and discussions mainly on the topics: reduction of traffic-related emissions such as pollutants and noise, increasing the attractiveness of energy-efficient mobility and logistics Solutions, environment oriented city development.

This forum is funded by the BMBF Project “GIP2China - German Innovation Package Traffic and Environment-Monitoring-System (TEMsys) goes to China” and the Helmholtz-CAS Joint Research Group Project “OptimUM - Optimization of Urban Traffic Management towards Environment - Friendly and Safe Mobility”.

2017-11-13 Smart Cities Expo in Barcelona

GIP2China was part of the “Research in Germany – Land of Ideas” delegation travelling to the “Smart City Expo World Congress” between 13th and 16th November.

2018-05 International Forum for Traffic Safety in Shanghai

Together with the Tongji University GIP2China and other projects of the Building the City of Tomorrow Campaign conducted a conference on smart cities in Shanghai. This was the final event of the campaign.

Project participants

We are part of the initiative "Research in Germany" of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).