KeepMoving – Traffic management & public transport operation
KeepMoving is the modular system of the DLR Institute of Transportation Systems, which receives, stores and processes mobility data and provides mobility services based on this data.
The evaluation and optimisation of mobility systems is a complex task. With KeepMoving, we offer a comprehensive approach for sustainable efficiency and resilience.
Our innovative solution revolutionises the way mobility systems are evaluated, compared and optimised. The problem of designing mobility systems is solved by our customised interface based on KeepMoving. This not only enables simple control of the various modules, but also clear visualisation of the results. You can analyse the "parameter space" of your mobility system, create and adapt offers for planning and design easily and even graphically.
What makes our product truly unique is the development of demand-responsive routing algorithms that can work with a wide range of constraints. This gives you the greatest possible flexibility and adaptability in your mobility system.
We also use SUMO to simulate an artificial reality that can even be connected to your digital twin if required. Our solution automates evaluation procedures and models. At the same time, it identifies key performance indicators (KPIs) for your mobility services. This includes before/after comparisons with regard to traffic effects and the scheduling of vehicles during operation or in simulated reality.
Disruption management and resilience can also be analysed in this way. We offer a comprehensive link between transport and fleet management. This allows you to seamlessly control all aspects of your mobility system. It is also possible to integrate external online interfaces for live operation.
KeepMoving provides you with a powerful tool that (partially) automatically evaluates and optimises your mobility system to achieve efficient and sustainable results.
GPS Tracking – Traffic Mode Detection
Recording of anonymised user and vehicle-related movement data by apps and trackers, as well as determination of the traffic mode (walking, cycling, car, train, bus, other).
Net Adaption
Recording and management of mode of transport-specific temporary closures.
On Trip Route Navigation
Intermodal navigation support with alternative route suggestions in the event of disruptions or delays.
User Management
Registration, administration and release of user-specific roles and preferences.
Inter- and multimodal routers for MIT, public transport, on-demand, bicycle and pedestrian traffic based on the current and historical traffic situation, optimised for automated vehicles, emergency vehicles, as well as safety and ecological aspects.
Traffic Information
Traffic quality KPI for defined cities, areas and corridors.
AIR Quality
Monitoring of traffic-related air pollutants (emissions and immissions).
Route Monitoring
Continuous monitoring of journey times on defined (user) routes and alternatives.
On Demand
Disposition of vehicles in demand fleets and determination of their routes.
Example: Keep Moving Portal for Berlin with traffic situation and route monitoring.
Real-time traffic information from various data sources is used for the different traffic modes and suitably merged to provide integrated traffic information that is as comprehensive as possible:
Floating Car Data (FCD) for taxis and buses
Local municipal traffic detection (induction loops, traffic eyes, video cameras, ...)
Traffic information from third-party providers
Broadcast messages (TMC, TPEG)
Timetable and operating status data of municipal transport companies
The Keep Moving System uses the programming languages Java, Python and Kotlin at its core. PostGreSQL and Oracle are used as database systems. A service framework based on ActiveMQ developed by the DLR Institute of Transportation Systems is used for communication between the Keep Moving modules. RESTful, SOAP, JSON and XML are available as technologies for data exchange (internal and external).