The DLR-HIT Hand II is used as a tool on Space Justin for telemanipulation. The human operator can perform a lot of manipulation task with this robot hand. To support the operator new methods of shared autonomy are proved.
technical data
Degrees of freedom:
15 (3 each finger)
10N active fingertip force
360°/s joint velocity
Sensor electronics located directly beside the sensors
A/D-conversion in each finger link. Serial communication system connecting within the finger to connect the finger links with a minimum number of cables.
Five identical fingers with four joints and an aluminum open skeleton structure with injection molded plastic shells
Serial communication system connecting the fingers to the hand and the hand to any external control computer.
Hot pluggable tool change within a few seconds with a customized tool retainer
System description
The DLR HIT Hand II from HIT (Harbin Institute of technology) and DLR Institut for Robotics and Mechatronic is further stage of the DLR HIT Hand I. In contrast to the DLR HIT Hand I the new DLR HIT Hand II has five modular fingers with four joint and three active degrees of freedoms and is still lighter and smaller. As the DLR Hit Hand I in the year 2007 the DLR Hit Hand II was awarded with the IF-Design-Award 2009. The Hand is used on Space Justin setup for grasping objects with shared autonomy. The shared autonomy supports the human tele manipulator during for example space operations with autonomous grasp planning. Main topic on the hardware research is to use the Hit Hand II Fingers for Reconfigurable Dexterous ReDex series endeffectors and to build Human machine interface (HMI) based on modular fingers.
Selected Publications
Z. Chen, N. Y. Lii, T. Wimböck, S. Fan, H. Liu, and A. Albu-Schäffer, “Experimental analysis on spatial and cartesian impedance control for the dexterous DLR/HIT II hand,” International Journal of Robotics and Automation, vol. 29, no. 1, 2014.
Lii, Neal Y. und Chen, Zhaopeng und Roa, Maximo A. und Annika, Maier und Pleintinger, Benedikt und Borst, Christoph (2012) Toward a task space framework for gesture commanded telemanipulation. 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication - RoMan 2012, Paris, France. Chen, Zhaopeng und Lii, Neal Y. und Wimböck, Thomas und Shaowei, Fan und Hong, Liu (2011)
Z. Chen, N. Y. Lii, T. Wimböck, S. Fan, H. Liu, "Experimental Evaluation of Cartesian and Joint Impedance Control with Adaptive Friction Compensation for the Dexterous Robot Hand DLR-Hit II," International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, 8 (4), Seiten 649-671. World Scientific. DOI: 10.1142/S0219843611002605
Chen, Zhaopeng und Lii, Neal Y. und Jin, Minghe und Fan, Shaowei und Liu, Hong (2010) Cartesian Impedance Control on Five-Finger Dexterous Robot Hand DLR-HIT II with Flexible Joint. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. The 3rd International Conference of Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA 2010), 10-12, Nov 2010, Shanghai, China
Chen, Zhaopeng und Lii, Neal Y. und Wimböck, Thomas und Fan, Shaowei und Jin, Minghee und Borst, Christoph und Liu, Hong (2010) Experimental Study on Impedance Control for the Five-Finger Dexterous Robot Hand DLR-HIT II. IEEE. The 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS 2010), 18-22, Oct 2010, Taipei, Taiwan
Lii, Neal Y. und Chen, Zhaopeng und Pleintinger, benedikt und Borst, Christoph H. und hirzinger, Gerd und Schiele, Andre (2010) Toward understanding the effects of visual- and force- feedback on robotic hand grasping performance for space teleoperation. 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 18-22 Oct. 2010, Taipei, Taiwan.
Liu, Hong und Wu, K. und Meusel, Peter und Seitz, Nikolaus und Hirzinger, Gerd und Jin, M.H. und Liu, Y.W. und Fan, S.W. und Chen, Z.P. (2008) Multisensory Five-Finger Dexterous Hand: The DLR/HIT Hand II. In: Proceedings of IROS. IEEE/RSJ 2008 International Conference on Intelligent RObots and System, 2008-09-22 – 2008-09-26, Nice, France.
The DLR Five Finger Hand base on the DLR HAND II and has humanoid kinematics and dexterity.