Automatica 2014
Hall A4, Booth 121
Virtual Assembly Verification with Haptic Feedback
The exhibit shows the verification of an assembly sequence using a virtual prototype providing haptic feedback. The operator of the robotic interface (HUG) feels realistic interaction forces while manipulating the virtual world, consisting of the CAD-data of an actual cars engine compartment. The developed software allows for detection of collisions and calculates the resulting forces and torques for smooth force-feedback. Visitors can experience this themselves using a commercially available desktop-device on site.
Agile Justin
The humanoid robot Agile Justin is an almost ideal platform for research in autonomous learning. The combination of a visual 3D camera and a tactile skin allows him to acquire a detailed model of its environment. Therein he can execute highly coordinated whole body motions (from the wheel to the finger tip) with millisecond precision. He demonstrates its dexterity by autonomously assembles a scaffold structure – a precursor of building a habitat on mars.
Assistive Workbench
Future industrial production is facing very high demands regarding flexibility and quality along with fast and short product life cycles, which can only be met by a close cooperation of information technologies, automation technologies, robotics and humans. The Assistive Workbench integrates basic functions like real-time movement generation including avoiding obstacles as well as strategies and modes of behaviour for intuitive handling of unexpected physical contacts with the environment, which provide safety at work. In this way, programmes for production support can be quickly established, adapted to the situation, and optimised as required by robots.
Hand Arm System
The DLR Hand Arm System is an anthropomorphic robot developed at DLR using elastic variable stiffness actuators (VSA). It is intended to approach its human archetype in size, weight, and performance. The focus of the development is on robustness, high dynamics, and dexterity. Its skills are shown in the demos of engraving and grasping objects.
This year the following DLR starbusts will be represented at Automatica. New is the last year founded Wessling Robotics.
EU Projects
The Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics will also be represented with its EC collaborative projects at the following booths:
Gemeinschaftsstand SMErobotics
Halle A4, Stand 131
Kontakt: Tim Bodenmüller
Gemeinschaftsstand euROBOTICS/EUNITED
Halle A4, Stand 135
Kontakt: Michael Suppa