DLRmagazine 171 (November 2022)

Awakening the sleeping giant

Heat pumps, thermal wind energy systems and the use of lime for heat storage, DLR scientists are conducting research in various areas for the energy transition. The cover story in this issue of the DLRmagazine gives an overview of the different aspects and potential of heat. This DLRmagazine also features a 'League of extraordinary robots' and the question of why the Arctic is warming up much faster than the rest of the planet.


Until now, the energy transition has largely revolved around electricity; sustainable heat has been sidelined for quite some time. However, current uncertainty over energy supply is beginning to change this. For a while now, DLR scientists have been working on this sleeping giant, conducting research into various technologies and concepts for climate-friendly heat using renewable sources, including heat pumps, thermal wind energy, energy systems analyses and the use of lime for heat storage. The cover story of issue 171 of the DLRmagazine gives an overview of the different aspects and potential of heat. We also interview Christian Sattler, Divisional Board Member for Energy and Transport, to understand whether we are facing a 'heat problem'.

Incidentally, an entirely different issue with heat has been developing in the Arctic, a region that is warming up much faster than the rest of the world. An international research team has travelled to the North Pole to study the phenom of Arctic amplification and the effects that this warming could have on the rest of the planet. It is not just human researchers who are busy at DLR. In the ARCHES project, a team of robots journeyed to one of the most inhospitable areas in Europe – Mount Etna. In this issue, you can read about why they explored this Sicilian volcano and the special skills each individual team member brought to the project.

Other highlights of this issue include a focus on Mars' two moons – Phobos and Deimos – which are finally to be explored in detail with a new mission, and an interview with DLR transport researcher Laura Gebhardt, who investigates whether e-scooters, e-bikes and pedelecs are environmental saviours or mere nuisances. You can also discover how artificial intelligence integrates the reactions of a concert audience into a musical piece, and much more.

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Julia Heil

Editorial management DLRmagazine
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
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