Strategy and programme

Over 30 DLR institutes contribute to the development, testing and evaluation of security and defence-related technologies in interdisciplinary projects. These include DLR's four institutes for security research: the Institute for the Protection of Maritime Infrastructures, the Institute for the Protection of Terrestrial Infrastructures, the Institute of Technical Physics and the Responsive Space Cluster Competence Center (RSC3). Here, DLR has comprehensive 'end-to-end' system expertise for space and airborne platforms as well as capabilities in sensor technology, Earth remote sensing or communication.
With its satellites as well as control and data receiving infrastructure and numerous research aircraft, its various recording and evaluation procedures and its special simulation environments, DLR contributes to the following thematic areas:
- Protection and monitoring of critical infrastructures
- Crisis and disaster management
- Border security
- Protection against terrorism and organised crime
DLR's strategic orientation in the area of security is carried out in light of a future common European security and defence policy and also takes into account the capability profiles defined at an international level for the purpose of protecting the population and safeguarding peace.
DLR's independent capabilities in analysis and assessment also help strengthen the public sector in its assessment of security-relevant situations. In addition to cooperating with the responsible ministries and their subordinate areas, DLR's security and defence research is conducted in close exchange with other national and international research institutions and organisations.
Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla
Veronika Gumpinger
supported by the Federal Ministry of Defense: