We are making highly efficient engines even more powerful and researching future propulsion solutions for climate-neutral aviation and power plant turbines for an environmentally friendly energy industry.
Our large-scale research facilities enable application-oriented testing of gas turbine components under real operating conditions. Testing on our test benches and facilities complements the software solutions and measurement techniques developed at the Institute.
We develop our own simulation tools to design and optimise engine components and complete engines, and to predict various characteristics.
In the ADAPT project, DLR is evaluating future hydrogen propulsion systems. We are not only focusing on the use of hydrogen as a fuel, but also on the development of the virtual engine.
The 3DCeraTurb project focuses on the design and manufacture of a turbine vane using two of the most important new classes of manufacturing technologies and materials.
A hybrid electric propulsion system consisting of an electric motor and a boundary layer suction thrust generator is the focus of the LuFo project.