As part of this (sub)project, TraffGo Road GmbH, the DLR Institute of Transportation Systems and DTV Verkehrsconsult GmbH are analysing various data sources to determine the extent to which they allow further insights into the traffic flow in Berlin's urban area and the causes of mobility. This analysis serves to examine a bundle of different measures in terms of their effects and possible feasibility.
Some of the planned measures will be analysed in detail with the help of the DLR traffic simulation SUMO, e.g:
Standardisation of the 30 km/h speed limit (such speed limits are currently only implemented patchily; the question arises as to what additional emission savings an extension to an entire section of road would bring, e.g. Skalitzer Strasse, Spandauer Damm),
gateway traffic lights to limit the influx into the city centre (on the B1/B5 and Tempelhofer Damm),
optimisation of public transport priority, e.g. at Spandau S-Bahn station.
The data from INRIX (travel times of motorised private transport (MIV) from Floating Car Data (FCD)), senozon (traffic demand from mobile phone data), SrV (traffic survey, mobility in cities) and BVG (lost times of buses, underground trains and trams) are used to find intersections and sections in the network where, for example, MIV runs well and public transport runs poorly, because these have corresponding optimisation potential.
Source traffic from the Berlin traffic cells; the colour indicates the preferred means of transport in the cells (yellow: predominantly local public transport, dark blue: predominantly private motorised transport).