August 10, 2017

Green wave for emergency vehicles

HALI_Berlin project clears the way for emergency vehicles

Ambulances save lives - especially when they arrive quickly at the scene of an accident. However, to ensure this, the vehicle must be able to move safely through traffic without any obstacles. Crossing junctions with blue lights often costs time and is a major cause of accidents.

This is why the HALI_Berlin project of the DLR Institute of Transportation Systems and the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS is now researching the targeted activation of traffic lights for emergency vehicles of authorities and organisations with security tasks.

On the safe side with GALILEO PRS

A special receiving modem is being further developed for this purpose so that it can be installed in vehicles to utilise the cryptographically protected GALILEO PRS navigation service. The PRS navigation service (PRS = Public Regulated Service) is only available to official users and users authorised by the authorities. It is protected against misuse (spoofing) by powerful encryption. In addition, by using different frequencies, GALILEO PRS also makes it more difficult for a source of interference (jamming) to interrupt or overlap the navigation signals and can determine the exact position of the vehicle in difficult environments such as urban canyons.

Traffic light control is adjusted

A central HALI server then links the localisation, location and traffic situation. This data can be used to adjust the switching of the nearest traffic lights with pinpoint accuracy so that the remaining traffic can clear the roads depending on the route of the operation and emergency vehicles can then cross the junction safely, quickly and efficiently.

Road testing

The scientists will test and demonstrate their project in the Berlin district of Moabit. There, many emergency vehicles are travelling on roads with heavy traffic. The impact of the test setup on accident figures and traffic flow will also be evaluated.


Sten Ruppe

Acting Head of Department
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Transportation Systems
Research Cooperative Systems
Rutherfordstr. 2, 12489 Berlin