Directions to the Bremen site

DLR Virtual Product House @ EcoMaT

Cornelius-Edzard-Strasse 15

28199 Bremen

By public transport

From Bremen main station, take tram line 6 every 6 to 10 minutes (towards the airport) in 16 minutes travelling time.

Go to the BSAG timetables at

By aeroplane

Coming from the terminal, go straight on through the park at Bremen Airport and turn right into Airbus-Allee, then left into Cornelius-Edzard-Str..

ECOMAT is approx. 7 minutes' walk from the airport terminal.

By car

(car parks are located in front of the building)

from the direction of Hamburg/Hanover/Osnabrück:

A1, exit Bremen-Arsten

from the direction of Bremerhaven:

A 27 motorway, exit Bremen Überseestadt

from the direction of Oldenburg:

A28 motorway to B75, exit to A281

Follow the signs to the airport.