HUG is the haptic user interface for telemanipulating our humanoid robot Justin. With its two light-weight robot arms, HUG can precisely measure the movements conducted by the human operator and at the same time display the forces that occur in the distant environment.
The robotic system HUG was presented to the public for the first time in 2010.
Technical data
height of basis: 1.46 m
robot length (without tool): 1.10 m
approx. 50 kg (of which 2 x 10 kg are dynamic mass)
Degrees of freedom:
2 × 7
Nominal payload:
20 kg
per joint: 1 torque and 2 position sensors
additionally per robot: 6-DoF force-torque sensor at each end-effector
Special features:
various end-effectors can be mounted (e.g. joysticks, brackets for data gloves, or active interfaces for displaying gripping forces)
a multilayered safety architecture (with redundant sensors, magnetic clutches, and intelligent safety checks) detects errors and prevents accidents
an optical tracking system with 5 cameras measures head motion
System description
How to achieve the most realistic force-feedback for our sophisticated haptic applications? This was one of the core questions when developing HUG. HUG is a bimanual haptic device composed of two Light-Weight Robot arms. The two robots are mounted behind the user, such that the intersecting workspace of the robots and the human arms becomes maximal. Equipped with a thorough safety architecture in hard- and software, HUG assures safe operation for human and robot. A particularly advantageous characteristic of HUG is its capability of generating high interaction forces in a comparably large workspace. Various hand interfaces and additional vibro-tactile feedback devices are available to enhance user interaction. Additionally, sophisticated control strategies improve performance and guarantee stability. To this end, HUG is well suited for versatile applications in remote and virtual environments:
Das Robotersystem HUG ist eine haptische Eingabestation für die telemanipulierte Steuerung anderer robotischer Systeme. Das System kommt beim Projekt Smile2gether zum Einsatz.
J. Vogel, D. Leidner, A. Hagengruber, M. Panzirsch, B. Bäuml, M. Denninger, U. Hillenbrand, L. Suchenwirth, et al.: An Ecosystem for Heterogeneous Robotic Assistants in Caregiving, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 2021 (accepted)