2022 - ongoing


EnMAP (Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program) will be the first German optical earth remote sensing mission in orbit. It will acquire high quality hyperspectral image data with 230 spectral channels in the solar-reflectance range on a frequent basis with high geometric resolution. The major objectives of the mission are to measure, derive, and analyze numerous diagnostic parameters which describe vital processes on the earth’s surface relating to agriculture, forestry, soil and geological environments, as well as coastal zones and inland waters. During operations the mission will provide information about the status of different ecosystems and their response to natural or man-made changes in the environment. The mission management is led by the Space Agency of the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The scientific aspects of the mission are covered by the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ). The OHB-System AG is responsible for the development, production, and launch of the satellite. The establishment and operation of the ground segment is performed by the DLR entities Earth Observation Center (EOC) and Space Operations and Astronaut Training (RB) . The ground segment is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi).

EnMAP in a nutshell:

Size of satellite:
3.1 m × 2.0 m × 1.7 m
Launch mass of satellite:
980 kg (including 55 kg hydrazine)
Falcon 9 (SpaceX)
Launch site:
East Coast of USA
Launch date:
Operational lifetime:
> 5 years
Orbit altitude:
653 km
Repeat cycle
27 days and 398 orbits (polar, sun-synchronous)
Local time descending node:
11:00 h ± 18 min.
4 days (±30° off-nadir tilt)
27 days (±5° off-nadir tilt)
Spectral range:
420 nm - 2450 nm
Spectral sampling distance:
6.5 nm (420 nm - 1000 nm; VNIR)
10 nm (900 nm - 2450 nm; SWIR)
Radiometric resolution:
14 bits
Geometric resolution:
30 m × 30 m (swath: 30 km)
(5000 km per day with 512 Gbit
on-board mass memory)
4 Kbit/s (S-band uplink)
32 Kbit/s (S-band downlink)
320 Mbit/s (X-band downlink)
EnMAP Flyby - 1
EnMAP (Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program) ist eine deutsche Satellitenmission, die qualitativ hochwertige Hyperspektraldaten in hoher räumlicher und zeitlicher Auflösung erheben wird. EnMAP wird 2015 gestartet werden.



Dr.rer.nat. Tobias Storch

Head of Department
Remote Sensing Technology Institute
Imaging Spectroscopy
Oberpfaffenhofen, 82234 Weßling