To the homepage of SUMO
Here you will find all the information about SUMO and its possible uses. You can also download the software directly here. You can also register for the SUMO Conference via this page.
Efficient traffic management and better mobility are our passion! That's why we developed the open source software SUMO.
SUMO uses various map and mobility data to create realistic simulations for traffic management or the dispatching of vehicle fleets. We use digital twins based on SUMO to test and optimise technical systems and predict the traffic impact of new technologies - always with the aim of improving mobility. Our results are also incorporated into commercial products such as rFpro, DYNA4 or SESAM.
To master traffic and fleet management challenges, we rely on agent-based, multimodal traffic simulations with SUMO. With our versatile toolbox, simulations of various scenarios can be created, executed and analysed efficiently. SUMO supports common platforms (Windows, Linux and MacOS) and can be used as a GUI application or as a tool for the command line in the server area.
SUMO is not only powerful, but also flexible and modular. As an open source tool, SUMO benefits from an active and worlwide community that ensures constant further development and quality assurance. This combination of performance and community involvement makes our tool the ideal choice for advancing the state of traffic management and the improvement of mobility. Experience more efficient, future-orientated mobility with us!