Data service

By means of DLR’s data service, we provide relevant traffic data and geodata about the transport infrastructure in Braunschweig. This includes highly accurate digital maps and the data basis for highly and fully automated driver assistance systems.

What is the purpose of DLR’s data service?

The acquisition, creation, processing, management and provision of geodata play a central role in the operation of test fields. Therefore, special emphasis is placed on standardised data management in order to make such diverse geodata easily accessible for the widest possible range of applications – for example, for partners from industry and scientific research or customers for their own tests.

Data are preferably made available via standardised interfaces (GeoServer). Some data sets are supplemented with metadata (GeoNetwork). These data services form an abstracted interface to data in the AIM backend and facilitate access to it.

How you benefit from the data services

  • Traffic data can be made available to customers and external partners
  • Information on the traffic situation in the field, locations of traffic lights and signs
  • Provision of digital maps and property registry data
  • Data services are collected throughout the year and under different conditions (traffic situation, weather conditions, various research vehicles)
  • Always up-to-date data


The representation of real routes in the Test Bed Lower Saxony, in the form of highly accurate digital maps, promotes the comparability as well as testing of models or development statuses that are used both in simulations and in real test vehicles on public roads.

Among other things, the following can be made available:

  • Road topography / topology
  • Terrain and building models
  • Information on the traffic situation in the field as well as the location of signs and traffic light
  • Research datasets with standardised metadata

The datasets provided serve as exemplary samples for checking for embeddability of the data in the client’s research and development or verification and validation tool chains.

General and technical data

General data

  • Location : connected to the AIM backend, standardised interfaces
  • Commissioned: 2015
  • Operation: year round
  • Software: provision of data in OpenDRIVE® format

Technical data

  • Fusion of dynamic traffic and sensor data (for example, FCD, loop detectors, TMC)
  • Lomb-hydrograph-based short-term forecasting
  • Consistent quality assessment

FAQ – Frequently asked questions about the data services

What information do DLR data services contain?

Our data services contain, among other things, digital maps with information on the current traffic infrastructure in the Test Bed Lower Saxony and research data sets.

Who has access to the data services of the Test Bed Lower Saxony?

We make our data services available to external partners and customers. They can thus be used as a basis for studies or the development of driving assistance systems, among other things.

How can I access DLR’s data services?

If you would like to use our data services, please send a request using our form. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Our research facilities and laboratories are at your disposal for tests and studies. Get in touch with us!


Marc Hohloch

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
Institut für Verkehrssystemtechnik
Rutherfordstr. 2, 12489 Berlin