‘Research Intersection’ – a hub for data collection in the field
‘Research Intersection’ – a hub for data collection in the field
In the middle of the traffic action, we collect unique data for the future of autonomous driving via our Braunschweig ‘Research Intersection’. Up to 40,000 road users pass through this junction every day. The focus here is on analysing how they interact with each other, such as when turning right with cyclists crossing.
DLR has equipped a Braunschweig traffic intersection for research purposes. Stereo cameras record the traffic situation in order to better understand the behaviour of road users and to analyse critical driving situations.
Such studies form the basis for innovative solutions and technologies for greater safety and efficiency in urban traffic. This test field is particularly important for autonomous driving. The traffic density and the detection of motorised as well as non-motorised road users makes it possible to obtain test results that would not be possible on the other test routes.
The information obtained from the research intersection serves, among other things, as a reference for new detection algorithms and automated driver assistance.
How you can benefit from the research intersection
Realistic test situation with real-time challenges
Tests can be carried out all year round under various conditions (day and night driving, rain, snowfall, fog, etc.) within the system limits
‘Talking traffic lights’ allow direct communication with the test vehicle
Test methods are independent of the test vehicle
A complex test field enables information to be obtained from motorised as well as non-motorised road users
Clients can conduct their own tests in our test field and / or benefit from our 24/7 scenario database
We pursue the following measures at the research intersection:
Recording of traffic situations based on trajectory data and corresponding scene videos (taking into account the applicable data protection regulations)
Infrastructural recording as part of cooperative driver assistance and automation (for example, investigation of automated left turns using test vehicles)
Analysis and prediction of critical traffic situations under real-time conditions
Tracking and classification of motorised and non-motorised road users (car and motorcycle users, cyclists, pedestrians)rer, Radfahrer, Fußgänger)
General and technical data
General data
Location: north-eastern corner of the Wilheminischer Ring in Braunschweig, intersection of the Hagenring / Rebenring (intersection K047)
Commissioned: 2013 (continuous project – with extensions)
Operation: year round
Technical data
14 stereo camera systems for recording traffic events (motorised and non-motorised)
Infrared flash for better illumination of the scene (at night)
Signal processing system to determine volumetric data
Object recognition system from computed volumetric data
Management and monitoring system to ensure operational readiness
Connection to the AIM reference line and status of the traffic light system
Secure cabinets to house the (server) hardware der (Server-)Hardware
Our partnerships
For the operation of our data processing technology at the research intersection in Braunschweig, we work in close research cooperation with Rialgo realtime systems GmbH. The company is an important manufacturer of distributed object recognition systems for real traffic and is constantly researching solutions to improve road safety.
FAQ – Frequently asked questions about the research intersection
Is testing possible under different weather conditions?
The research intersection can be used for tests all year round, 24/7 and under any weather conditions.
What is the application process for data collection at the test site?
All of the Institute’s facilities are available for use by external partners. Feel free to contact us directly for more information on the research intersection and booking of our test vehicles.
Which facilities / vehicles are needed for the test field?
You do not need your own vehicle for the test; you can use our fully equipped test vehicles.
What data can be collected within projects?
Temporary access to low-resolution image data within the scope of projects, trajectory data, weather and emissions data, V2X data.