UDRIVE – Naturalistic Driving Study

A deep understanding of driving behaviour delivers key indications on how assistance systems and automation may support  drivers and prevent crashes. In UDRIVE, the first large-scale European study, naturalistic driving behaviour in cars, trucks, and on motorbikes is observed.

In the project UDRIVE selected drivers are observed over a period of four to 21 months during their daily driving. Data on drivers, vehicles, and the surrounding traffic are gathered using discreet monitoring systems and without experimental intervention. The data acquisition system (DAS) consisting of, for example, a GPS unit, accelerometer and camera were installed in the volunteers’ personal vehicles in such a way that drivers are not influenced and behave as naturally as possible. The DAS acquires information on vehicle movements (acceleration, deceleration, position on the road, velocity), on drivers (head and hand movements) and on the immediate traffic surrounding (traffic density, road conditions, weather conditions). The equipment will be removed from the vehicle after the study without leaving any trace.

Data will be analysed and the results will be used to describe and quantify everyday driving behaviour, compare this across European regions, and detect and analyse (near) collisions. The risk of safety-relevant behaviours can be quantified taking distractions and a lack of attention into consideration or the interaction with vulnerable road users (e.g. pedestrians and cyclists). More knowledge of the influence of driving behaviour on emissions and fuel consumption can be gained on the basis of UDRIVE.

DLR is in charge of the German operation site including 20 equipped vehicles. EU-wide, 186 vehicles gather data: 120 cars (Germany, France, the Netherlands, Poland), 32 trucks (the Netherlands) and 40 motorbikes (Spain). The operation sites are spread across Europe ensuring a wide variety in driver behaviour, traffic infrastructure, presence of vulnerable road users, climatic conditions, and traffic density. Several Renault dealership supported the recruitment process of the drivers: Autohaus Kaiser (Braunschweig) and Autohaus Härtel (Braunschweig), Ahrens (Hanover), Dürkop (Hildesheim) and Autodienst Kohl (Helmstedt). The installation of the data acquisition system as well as necessary maintenance was carried out by the company Dr. Schmid GmbH.

10/2012 to 06/2017

Contracting authority:
European Union



Prof. Dr. Axel Hahn

Acting Director of the Institute of Road Systems Engineering
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Transportation Systems
Lilienthalplatz 7, 38108 Braunschweig