ProTrain – Increased comfort and efficiency in regional rail transport through linked forecast data

At peak times, the capacities of local public transport are often overloaded. Overcrowded trains and buses lead to delays and dissatisfaction among passengers. These peaks in capacity utilisation are exacerbated by population growth and increasing commuter traffic in urban areas. To date, it has hardly been possible to provide additional transport capacity cost-effectively. At the same time, passenger expectations of comprehensive information and travelling comfort are increasing.

The aim of the ProTrain project is effective passenger routing for better utilisation of existing capacities in rail transport. With the help of forecasts and current occupancy information, travellers should be able to choose alternative connections or switch to less occupied compartments with free seats. Transport associations can use the information to determine the actual and expected demand and react accordingly. The aim is to improve passenger comfort, optimise the use of resources and thus increase the efficiency of transport services.

The DLR Institute of Transportation Systems is responsible for the requirements survey (requirements of passengers and transport companies). Furthermore, the researchers in ProTrain are developing a forecasting algorithm for passenger occupancy. This will be used as a prototype for the regional express lines RE 3 and RE 5 in the Berlin-Brandenburg transport association (VBB). The DLR Institute of Transportation Systems will also support the evaluation of the forecasting algorithm in the field with user studies.

Project title:
ProTrain - Increased comfort and efficiency in regional rail transport through linked forecast data

03/2017 to 03/2020

Project volume:
€ 3.21 million (69% of which was funded by the BMVI as part of the mFund)

Network coordinator:

This project is managed by the department:


Dr.-Ing. Christian Meirich

Head of Department
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Transportation Systems
Research Design and Assessment of Mobility Solutions
Lilienthalplatz 7, 38108 Braunschweig