Project area

Braunschweig module: Focus on research and transformation
In the urban area of Braunschweig, since 2014 DLR has built up a research infrastructure in the form of the Application Platform for Intelligent Mobility (AIM) as an urban component of the Test Bed Lower Saxony. There is a long-standing cooperation partnership between the city of Braunschweig and DLR in this regard. These are ideal conditions for focusing on research issues in the Braunschweig module and transferring the results and solution modules to municipal structures together with the city of Braunschweig.
Wolfsburg module: Focus on municipal application and operation
The city of Wolfsburg already offers a comprehensive technological, digital infrastructure, which provides an ideal basis for an open 5G living lab, especially thanks to a broadly developed fiber optic network and the already established open digital platform #WolfsburgDigital. These framework conditions offer a very good starting position for testing use cases of future mobility in connection with 5G.
Supraregional cooperation
In the interaction of the modules Braunschweig and Wolfsburg, the migration of research applications and results into a real operation or into municipal infrastructures takes place. Likewise, research results (e.g., new services and applications) are integrated into the Test Bed Lower Saxony for automated and connected mobility. In this way, the experience gained from the previous project as well as the concept and structure of the test field can be combined with new research aspects based on 5G technology, thus generating direct synergies. In addition, transferability to other regions of the Federal Republic of Germany is ensured.