KoTAM - Hamburg: Workshop Safety and Security in the context of C-ITS services – 30 November 2023

Presentation at the KoTAM workshop in Hamburg.

"Safety and security in the context of C-ITS services" - more than 65 representatives from industry, research and public authorities met in Hamburg on 30 November 2023 to discuss this topic. The workshop was organised by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) together with ITS mobility.

The workshop, which is part of the KoTAM series, started with a Mobility Transition Tour through Hamburg, organised and conducted by New Mobility Solutions in collaboration with consider it. In the afternoon, Steve Schneider from ITS mobility moderated the presentations on C-ITS.

State Councillor Martin Bill welcomed the participants and presented the mobility strategy with regard to autonomous and connected vehicles in Hamburg. The key finding: the city of Hamburg is focussing on the expansion of traditional public transport, supplemented by autonomous on-demand transport.

Dr Per-Arno Plötz from Landesbetrieb Straßen, Brücken und Gewässer (LSBG) then introduced the in-depth presentations on C-ITS. The IT security principles of confidentiality, integrity and authenticity presented are a prerequisite for productive C-ITS services and formed the basis for the other presentations in the workshop. Recommendation by Dr Per-Arno Plötz: Continuation of the exchange between the test fields on the subject of IT security and a clear definition of roles in the federal system.

How can the PKI ensure authenticity and integrity? Sandro Berndt-Tolzmann from the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) started with a talk on the authenticity and integrity of C-ITS through a PKI.

What role does the Protection Profile play in confidentiality and integrity? Maximilian Wahner from TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH (TÜV-IT) addressed this question. In particular, the outlook for protection profiles for V2X ITS-Station and Roadsite ITS-Station, which have not yet been published, led to many questions and lively discussions after the presentation.

How can the binding nature of C-ITS messages be achieved? In his presentation, Volker Witt from Hamburg Verkehrsanlagen GmbH (HHVA) took a look at standardisation and presented the VDE user guidelines for road traffic signal systems with practical tips for operators.

How can the availability of C-ITS messages be ensured? Professor Dr Rasmus Rettig from the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg) presented a comparison of GNSS/GPS developments and C-ITS integration and gave both methodological and technical recommendations to ensure the availability of C-ITS.

The next event in the KoTAM series will take place on 29 February 2024 in Hanover on the topic of harmonisation and certification of test fields.

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