LuFo Klima VII-1
The Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action (BMWK) intends to fund aviation research projects (LuFo Klima VII-1) on the basis of the announcement for the funding of research and development projects as part of the third call for the seventh national civil aviation research programme (LuFo Klima VII).
The conditions of the first call for proposals of the seventh aviation research programme (LuFo Climate VII-1) of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) are described in the announcements described. These explain in detail which topics are funded, how funding is provided and which requirements must be met.
Two funding announcements are published in the course of each programme call. The announcement "Funding of research and development projects under the seventh national civil aviation research programme Climate - First programme call (LuFo Klima VII-1)" is aimed at projects that can be funded from Chapter 0901 Title 683 31 of the federal budget. (BAnz AT 19.04.2024 B1)
Projects that fall under the purpose of Chapter 6092 Title 683 05 are addressed in the funding announcement "Funding of research and development projects under the seventh national civil aviation research programme VII - First programme call (LuFo Klima VII-1 KTF) - Climate-neutral flying " (BAnz AT 19.04.2024 B2)
In the following, we summarise key information from the announcements. It is intended as an aid for interested parties. Only the announcements of 19.04.2024 in the Federal Gazette (BAnz AT 19.04.2024 B1 and BAnz AT 19.04.2024 B2) are binding
We will be happy to advise you on how to apply for this funding and show you the necessary process steps and documents.
What topics are funded?
The object of the funding is research and technology development projects for the entire aircraft system.
The focus of LuFo Climate VII-1 is based on three pillars:
- Alternative climate-neutral drive technologies (open to all energy sources),
- reduction of energy requirements and increase in competitiveness, resource efficiency,
- reduction of the ecological footprint and improvement of social acceptance.
The first pillar is addressed in the LuFo VII-1 KTF programme call and the second and third pillars are addressed in the LuFo VII-1 programme call.
How can I categorise my topics when submitting sketches?
The projects are assigned to both a programme line and a specialist discipline.
For the funding of research and development projects within the framework of the seventh national civil aviation research programme Climate - First Programme Call (LuFo Klima VII-1), the following disciplines and programme lines can be classified:

DLR Projektträger Luftfahrtforschung
For the funding of research and development projects within the framework of the seventh national civil aviation research programme VII - First programme call (LuFo Klima VII-1 KTF) - Climate-neutral flying, the following specialist disciplines and programme lines are possible:

DLR Projektträger Luftfahrtforschung
Who can submit?
- Companies
- Scientific institutions
- Research institutions
- SMEs
Further information on the requirements for participation in the aeronautics research programme can be found in the announcements.
What type of support is provided?
Project funding in accordance with this funding announcement takes the form of non-repayable grants.
How do I get access to the grant?
The application procedure is organised in two stages.
The procedure begins with the submission of the sketches in the sketches phase and usually ends with the approval or rejection of the formal applications by the BMWK. Project sketches and funding applications can be withdrawn at any time at the end of the procedure.
In the first stage of the procedure, project sketches must have been submitted to the project organiser by 26 June 2024 at 12:00 noon at the latest, project outlines must have been submitted electronically via easy-Online. Project outlines received after this deadline could not be considered (exclusion deadline). In the case of collaborative projects, the project outlines of all partners must have been submitted electronically by the project leader.
However, project outlines for pre-selected cooperation projects coordinated with other European and international research programmes can be submitted at any time via easy-Online.
This project outline is then assessed and evaluated on the basis of defined criteria. On the basis of this evaluation, projects worthy of funding are selected in the first stage and the relevant applicants are invited to submit a written and formal application (submission of a project proposal). However, no legal entitlement to funding can be derived from the positive evaluation of a project outline.
Those invited to submit an outline can submit a project proposal via an electronic evaluation tool.
The deadline for submitting project applications is 15 January 2025 at 12:00 noon (cut-off deadline).
Please note that this deadline is a cut-off deadline, i.e. applications received by the Project Management Organisation for Aeronautics Research after 15.01.2025 12:00 are excluded from the approval process.
For further information on submitting an application, please refer to the information letter sent to all those invited to submit an outline.
What documents do I need and where can I submit them?
You will need the following documents to submit your sketch:
LuFo_VII-1_Handbuch zur Skizzeneinreichung
LuFo_VII-1_Formblatt_SMARTe Ziele
LuFo VII-1 Eingabeformular Klimabewertung
We have stored the announcements here again:
The review process is defined in LuFo VII-1 as follows:
Link to the submission of documents in Easy Online
You can submit your sketch documents for LuFo Klima via the following link:
Easy-Online Zugang für LuFo Klima VII-1
Easy-Online Zugang für LuFo Klima VII-1 KTF
Note: Due to the system (because of cookies), you cannot access both links at the same time with the same browser. If you want to open both links at the same time, you must use different browsers (e.g. 1x Mozilla Firefox and 1x Microsoft Edge)".
Documents for the application phase:
Documents for the application phase:
Below you will find the documents you need to submit your application.
Fact Sheets:
LuFo VII-1 Guidelines for submitting applications (PDF, German only)
LuFo VII-1 Notes on the preparation of the project description (PDF, German only)
LuFo VII-1 Notes on the preparation of the joint project description (PDF, German only)
LuFo VII-1 Checklist for application submission (AZK) (PDF, German only)
LuFo VII-1 Checklist for the submission of applications (AZA) (PDF, German only)
LuFo VII-1 Supplement Restructuring Aid (PDF, German only)
LuFo VII-1 Declaration by foreign majority-owned companies (PDF, German only)
SME Declaration (PDF, German only)
LuFo VII-1 Confirmation of the cooperation agreement for collaborative projects (PDF, German only)
Declaration of facts relevant to the subsidy (PDF, German only)
Declaration on "Companies in difficulty" & "Commission recovery orders" (PDF, German only)
Calculation Tools:
LuFo VII-1 Calculation of employment remuneration (Excel, German only)
LuFo VII-1 Breakdown of monthly rates for personnel expenses (Excel, German only)
LuFo VII-1 SMART goals form (Word, German only)
LuFo VII-1 Sample template - Summary of resource planning for all work packages (Word, German only)
LuFo VII-1 Supplement utilisation plan (Word, German only)
LuFo VII-1 Sample template - work package description (Word, German only)
In order to make the documents even more useful for you, we are adding the answers to queries from applicants to the documents at certain points. The updated documents are given a new version number in the footer. A list of the changes can be found below.
Please note our additional workshops for SMEs on applying for funding in the LuFo Klima:
05 November 2024, 10:00-11:30
06 November 2024, 10:00-11:30
Participation in these workshops is voluntary and free of charge.
Who can I contact with my questions?
We look forward to supporting you in all aspects of the "Aviation Research Programme LuFo Climate VII, 1st Call".
Overview of frequently asked questions
We have compiled all the key information about our information event on 16 April 2024 on our website
In addition to information from the presentations, you will also find the questions and answers from the discussions at the event.
Your contact to us
For general questions about the aeronautics research programme, please contact Our experts will then call you back according to the subject area of your enquiry.
You are also welcome to get in touch with the following contact persons directly:
Contact persons for specialised topics
Dr. Thomas Kuhn
Adrian Klassen
Dr. Thomas Soodt
Contact person in the administration
Stefan Düsterhöft