Horizon Europe

Promotion of aviation topics in the European Framework Programme Horizon Europe

The National Contact Point Climate Energy Mobility (NKS KEM) Aviation is responsible for the EU research and innovation programme Horizon Europe, including the Clean Aviation initiative. Within this framework, aviation research is concerned with making the existing pan-European systems even safer, more accessible and at the same time more environmentally friendly for the general benefit of all citizens.

The NCP KEM Aviation is responsible for the EU research and innovation programme Horizon Europe, including the Clean Aviation and Sigle European Sky initiatives.

As the national contact point, we will be happy to advise you on the application process and support you from the initial project idea to the final application. This service is free of charge for you.

The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation: Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe is the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for 2021 to 2027, which aims to build a knowledge- and innovation-driven society and competitive economy and contribute to sustainable development. Horizon Europe is the successor programme to Horizon 2020.

The EU Framework Programme is based on three pillars. These pillars are "Excellence in Science", "Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness" and "Innovative Europe". They are complemented by the area of "Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area".

Information on aviation-related topics in Horizon Europe

Click here to go directly to the work programme for Cluster 5 - Climate, Energy and Mobility, which has been published on the European Commission's website.

Overview of open calls in the field of aviation

These calls close on 18.04.24.

Click here to go directly to the EU Commission's Funding & Tenders Portal. In this portal you will find all the detailed information you need to submit an application.

You can also find detailed information on the application process, events and news on the NKS KEM website https://www.nks-kem.de/

Supervision of the Horizon Europe project AREANA

In the Horizon Europe project AREANA, the PT-LF is working with 14 other partners in a separate work package to develop new solutions for more efficient European research cooperation in aviation. To this end, the requirements of all EU member states and other potential cooperation partners worldwide are to be analysed. The existing European, national and regional research programmes and strategies are then to be coordinated and expanded in order to secure the competitiveness of European aeronautics research in the long term.

The new solutions are being developed in close coordination with the project's other work packages, which are concerned with preparing for Aerodays 2025 and supporting the work of the AZEA (Alliance for Zero Emission Aviation).

Contact us

Nele Marie Harperath

Scientific advisor and representative of the NCP KEM in the field of aviation
Project Management Agency for Aviation Research
Tel: +49 228 447-198

Hartwig Hagena

Research assistant in the field of flight guidance and representative of the NCP KEM in the field of aviation
Project Management Agency for Aviation Research
Tel: +49 228 447-199