Evaluation of project proposals
The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection supports research and technology development projects in civil, commercial aviation in Germany with its civil aviation research programme (LuFo).
Calls for projects that can be funded under this programme are published at regular intervals. Interested applicants can submit their project outlines to the Project Management Organisation for Aeronautics Research within a specific deadline.
At the end of this submission period, the submitted outlines are presented to an expert committee consisting of at least three external and independent experts. These experts discuss the technical eligibility of the outlined projects while maintaining the confidentiality of business secrets and evaluate them.
We are looking for suitable candidates for this role who have relevant expertise and industry knowledge, but who are not involved in LuFo themselves and do not have a conflict of interest. For example, reviewers must not be employed by an employer that receives LuFo funding or must have left this employer for at least two years.
Call for the LuFo review process
We are currently looking for expert candidates for the LuFo review process.
A description of this process can be found in the following documents:
LuFo VII Begutachtungsprozess
LuFo VII-1 Gutachtererklärung
Inclusion in the database
Interested persons can send documents demonstrating their expertise and industry knowledge by e-mail to Jacqueline.Anacker@dlr.de or by post to the contact address below.
The documents should include the information shown in the box opposite.
Contact address:
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
Projektträger Luftfahrtforschung
Jacqueline Anacker
Königswinterer Str. 522-524
53227 Bonn
Private contact details
- Salutation/First name/Title
- Address
- Phone number
- Mail address
Official contact details
- Organisation/Department
- Function
- Address
- For pensioners: please state last employer and date of retirement
We have prepared a form that you can fill in and send to us to categorise your expertise: