Zyklus 15: BEXUS 34/35 und REXUS 33/34 (2023-2025)
Experiment | Thema | Universität | Teamleitung |
ARESONUS | Altus. Repetitio. Sonus. Measuring of infrasound/aerosonic in the stratosphere | Hochschule Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences | Niclas Bierwisch |
CHAOS | CHerenkov Atmospheric Observation System | Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel | Ava Pohley Hannes Ebeling |
SpiCy | Stratospheric investigation of combinatory cyanobacterial biofilms | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | Ilana Schürmeyer |
Experiment | Thema | Universität | Teamleitung |
FINIX | Ferrofluid Implementations for Next GeneratIon EXploration | Universität Stuttgart | Philipp Kimmerle |
PERSIS | Photopolymeric Extrusion of Reinforced Structures In Space | Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences | Raphael Strecker |
SHAMA | Sustainable Heat-protective Ablative MAterial | Technische Universität Dresden | Theo Lange |
SLOSH | Fuel Sloshing Experiment aboard REXUS | Universität Augsburg | Kathrin Martin |
WOBBLE2 | Behaviour with Berlin Liquid Guidance Experiment 2 | Technische Universität Berlin | Yaron Matteo Grube |