Department Real-Time Data Processing
The focus of this department is on the development and evaluation of models, algorithms and data processing chains for the sensors developed by the institute, for example for FireBird or IPS.
The Institute of Optical Sensor Systems fosusses on research and development of active and passive optical sensor systems operating in the UV, visible, infrared and THz spectral range. The instruments are applied in space research and space exploration, on board of flying platforms and for robotic systems. The institute participates in the scientific analysis of the data obtained with these systems. This includes Earth observation, robotics, planetary research, transport and security. The development of sensor-oriented algorithms for information processing lays the foundation for autonomous optical sensor systems.
The institute is renowned for its research and development capabilities in infrared, terahertz, LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) and Raman spectroscopy for in-situ and remote sensing. Applications are in planetary research, astronomy and security. The expertise covers the entire area from laboratory spectroscopy to development of complete spectrometers.
The institute develops methods and tools for data processing. This software is used to evaluate sensors and data and to extract user relevant information up to a semantic level. This is complemented by the development of automatic processing chains, for example using artificial intelligence for information extraction and high-resolution 3D data generation.
The institute has the capability to develop and build hardware and software for space instruments. It is involved in numerous national and international space projects. Based on this expertise the institute also transfers technologies to commercial partners for specific applications.
The institute is committed to educating young scientists and teaches bachelor and master students as well as doctoral students. The institute cooperates closely with universities, in particular the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Technische Universität Berlin.