Since the institute was founded in 2014, a number of its employees have received awards. The awards range from individual prizes for the best work or the best dissertations to group prizes for space instruments or successful innovations.

Best Poster Award for a poster on “Time-Domain Spectroscopy for Space Exploration at Terahertz Energy Scales” at the Terahertz Young Scientist Meeting at the Fraunhofer ITWM in Kaiserslautern: Dominic Azih.
3. Preis, Best Scientific Image Contest of Helmholtz Imaging
Physics Study Prize of the Physical Society of Berlin: Fabian Seel
Honorary doctorate of the Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Heinz-Wilhelm Hübers
Young Elite – Top 40 under 40 of the weekly magazine “Capital”: Dr. Susanne Schröder
DLR-Competition of Visions, 1st place: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Janik Wolters
Innovation competition “INNOspace MASTERS”, 1st place: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Janik Wolters
ESA Science Directorate recognition for outstanding contribution to the CHEOPS mission: CHEOPS team
Young Scientist Award of the German Terahertz Center (Deutsches Terahertz-Zentrum e.V.): Dr. Till Hagelschuer
Carl-Ramsauer-Award of the Physical Society in Berlin (Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin): Dr. Till Hagelschuer
NASA Group Achievement Award: Grace Follow-on Team
NASA Group Achievement Award: HP³ Team
ESA Group Achievement Award: MERTIS team
ESA Science Directorate recognition for outstanding contribution to the BepiColombo mission: MERTIS team
MERAC Prize of the European Astronomical Society for the best early career researcher: Dr. Martin Pertenais
Berlin Brandenburg Innovation Award for the Integrated Positioning System: IPS team
Best Paper Award of the IEEE Trans. THz Science and Technology: Dr. H. Richter, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. H.-W. Hübers et al.
Student Paper Award of the Int. Conf. on IR, mmW and THz Waves: Dr. Till Hagelschuer
DLR Senior Scientist: Prof. Dr. Alexei Semenov
DLR Research Award: Dr. Heiko Richter
Karl-Kraus Young Talent Award of the German Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation: Nora Mettig
Helmholtz International Fellow Award 2017: Prof. Reinhard Klette, Auckland University of Technology, for a half-year research stay at the Institute of Optical Sensor Systems.
Best Paper Award of the 11th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation (IAA2017): Dr. Winfried Halle.
Best Paper Award of the 9th Global Symposium on Millimeter-Waves (GSMM2016): Dr. Nick Rothbart and Prof. Dr. Heinz-Wilhelm Hübers.
Prize of the Sparkasse Barnim (Brandenburg) for “Master Theses with Regional Significance”: Michel Lanz, MSc.