OPTSAL DevCenter

Since 2021, the institute has been operating the OPTSAL DevCenter, a new, modern laboratory for the development, integration, testing and calibration of optical sensor systems. The laboratory is part of the Helmholtz Innovation Lab OPTSAL and is operated by the Department of Security Research and Application. The purpose of the Dev Center is to provide OPTSAL and its partners with a modern laboratory for the application-oriented development and system integration of optical systems.
In particular, the DevCenter serves as a central integration laboratory for the institute's MACS aerial camera systems. This is where all camera systems are prepared, calibrated, tested and integrated for their respective research and real-life applications.
The equipment includes, among other things:
- 2 soldering and electronics measuring stations
- 2 variable hardware integration tables for up to 6 workstations
- GNSS repeater system with radiation from the laboratory ceiling
- Flexibly configurable network technology
- Highly modern measuring equipment for geometric and radiometric calibration of camera systems
- Hardware and software for testing and validating optical sensor systems
- Complete infrastructure for building prototypes through to operationally integrated sensor systems to industrial standards
The DevCenter is designed entirely for cooperative software and hardware development with OPTSAL partners and also enables remote access to many laboratory elements and sensor systems.
For further information, please contact: info@optsal.de