QUBE - Satellite-based Quantum Key Distribution

Quantum experiments on CubeSat

The aim of the research network "Quantum Key Distribution with CubeSat (QUBE)" is to develop and demonstrate core technologies for worldwide tap-proof communication using satellite-based quantum key distribution.

QUBE launched into space on 16 August 2024.

The emerging second quantum revolution is bringing new innovative services to society based on new quantum technologies.  One of the most important of these is quantum key distribution, one of the most advanced quantum technologies. The first commercial products are available from various companies and more are in the starting blocks.

The QUBE collaboration integrates novel quantum key generation technologies into the Cube-Sat platform and combines them with powerful optical communication systems. Miniaturised quantum communication components are being upgraded to be space-qualified to withstand the extreme stresses of satellite launch and the adverse environmental conditions of use in space.

The platform is formed by low-cost miniature satellites, so-called cube sats, which are being expanded to include the necessary technology components for this purpose. DLR is contributing to the project with its expertise in the field of optical free-beam communication and its use for quantum communication. In particular, the miniaturised cubesat terminal OSIRIS4Cubesat developed at the Institute of Communication and Navigation has been further developed into OSIRIS4QUBE for use in quantum communication.

Furthermore, DLR is responsible for the interfaces between the individual payloads and the satellite bus. During the mission in space, scientific measurements can be carried out on the behaviour of the turbulent atmosphere and the performance of OSIRIS4QUBE in orbit can be analysed. Another project is the recording of measurement data of the laser beam disturbed by the turbulent atmosphere.

The QUBE project is a pilot project of the QUTEGA initiative (Quantum Technology - Fundamentals and Applications).

Participants in the scientific project

  • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
  • Max Planck Institut für die Physik des Lichts
  • OHB Systems AG
  • FAU Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
  • Zentrum für Telematik e.V.
  • Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt DLR

Project duration: 08/2017 - 07/2021

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