OSIRIS4CubeSat / CubeLCT

Optical communication for micro satellites

In contrast to the other OSIRIS payloads, OSIRIS4CubeSat does not aim to further increase the data rate, but rather to achieve a highly compact system design that enables the use of optical communication even on small satellites such as CubeSats.

In order to further promote the miniaturization of laser communication terminals, a system design was developed for OSIRIS4CubeSat on behalf of the industrial partner Tesat Spacecom. The system is based on the close integration of electronics and opto-mechanics, and thus allows for a highly compact design. The result of this development is, to present knowledge, the smallest laser terminal in the world! In parallel with the development work at DLR, Tesat already started to prepare for serial production of the terminal at their site in Backnang, so that the system is ready for serial production in larger quantities by the time of its demonstration mission. The Tesat terminal is marketed under the name CubeLCT.

The first demonstration of a complete end-to-end transmission took place successfully as part of the PIXL-1 mission, which was conducted jointly by Tesat and DLR. On January 24, 2021 it  launched into space with SpaceX from Cape Canaveral in Florida.

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