Global Positioning for Future Applications

High precision and integrity are only achieved with today's "Global Navigation Satellite Systems" (GNSS) in positioning through the use of additional services and systems. In addition, it is increasingly necessary to bridge coverage gaps by incorporating additional sensors. We are thus supporting the growing autonomy in transportation and enabling new applications, for example in the areas of building construction and civil engineering as well as agriculture and forestry.
Our contributions
Systemmonitoring and threat analysis
We are opening up new fields of application for the automated control of vehicles and machines in safety-critical environments.
KEPLER system architecture and key technologies for the next generation of satellite navigation systems
With the development of robust receivers, we are achieving an unprecedented level of reliability and interference resistance. We are thus supporting the growing autonomy in traffic and enabling new applications, for example in the areas of civil engineering, agriculture, and forestry.
Alternative PNT systems for aviation and maritime transport
We are also safeguarding the availability of navigation services by developing terrestrial alternative systems. By providing additional services, we are expanding the potential uses of existing systems.