Advanced Information Processing Group



The Advanced Information Processing Group aims at applying state-of-the-art theoretical results into real-world applications within information processing systems. With a focus on Quantum error correction for quantum computers and memories, the group pioneers breakthroughs in ensuring the reliability and efficiency of quantum technologies. They also develop efficient protocols for distributed information processing, optimizing communication and collaboration across networks.

Moreover, their expertise extends to Smart Data Management, exploring cutting-edge communication theories such as semantic communication and Age of Information, pushing the boundaries of data utilization and dissemination.

Links and more information

Research and Innovation Cluster

Open and secure 6G technologies as a global market opportunity for Germany

The 6G Research and Innovation Cluster (6G-RIC) is a research hub designed to lay the scientific and technical foundations for the next generation of mobile communications (6G) across all technology levels, from radio access to core networks and fiber optic transport networks.

Website 6G-RIC

6G Non-Terrestrial Networks

for the full integration
of NTN component into 6G

The Non-Terrestrial Network (NTN) will complement the current Terrestrial Network (TN) and enhance the next generation of mobile networks and services. This will improve connectivity for users in unserved and underserved areas, benefiting both consumers and industries.

Website 6G-NTN

DLR Quantencomputing Initiative

Quantum computers offer enormous opportunities for business, industry and research.

To realise this potential, we need a strong and versatile quantum computing ecosystem.

With 2 Innovation Centers in Hamburg and Ulm and 39 projects for the full quantum stack the DLR Quantencomputing Initiative is creating the industrial basis and the economic environment for this ecosystem.

Website QCI