RIESGOS – Multi-risk analysis and information system components for the Andes region

In recent decades people have become increasingly endangered worldwide by natural disasters – especially in densely settled urban areas. In the collaborative research project RIESGOS (spanish, “risks”) an interdisciplinary research team together with business partner is developing methods to assess multi-risk situations and their interactions using the example of the particularly endangered Andes region. The focus of research is on the Andes regions of Chile, Peru and Ecuador, areas that are seriously threatened by natural hazards and the results of climate change. Earthquakes, tsunami, landslides, volcanic eruptions and floods all take place within a small area. At the same time, one hazard seldom occurs in isolation: an earthquake can trigger a tsunami, which can lead to disruption of power and water supplies, dramatically aggravating the situation both for those immediately affected and for rapid response teams.
The main objectives of RIESGOS (Multi-risk analysis and information system components for the Andes region) call upon innovative research on multi-risk analysis and related cascading effects in selected areas in three Andean countries: Chile, Ecuador and Peru. The scientific findings and results will be shared with cooperation partners in the specific South American countries through the development of web services and the elaboration of a demonstrator of a modular and flexible multi-risk information system. Central elements of the RIESGOS information system concept are the web-based services offering open and flexible access to decentralized data and computation services. The system demonstrator will combine and orchestrate these web services, allowing users to explore multi-risk scenarios. An added value is the modular and interoperable approach, which will allow the integration of the web services into existing system environments.
The results and developments will allow disaster management and civil protection authorities to explore complex multi-risk scenarios with the ultimate goal of reducing risks and enhancing disaster management.