July 3, 2024

Two new DLR Senior Scientists at EOC

On 20 June 2024, two employees of the Earth Observation Center, Dr Monika Gähler and Dr Tobias Storch, were ceremoniously awarded the title of 'DLR Senior Scientist' by the DLR Executive Board at the Science BBQ in Braunschweig.

Dr Monika Gähler was honoured for her outstanding achievements in the field of earth observation-based analysis and mapping of global natural disasters and humanitarian crises. Ms Gähler is head of the Centre for Satellite-based Crisis Information at the German Remote Sensing Data Centre and has very successfully acquired and managed numerous (large-scale) projects.

Dr Tobias Storch was honoured for his outstanding achievements in the field of hyperspectral remote sensing. As project manager at the Institute of Remote Sensing Technology, Mr Storch was responsible for the ground segment of the EnMAP hyperspectral mission and, through his commitment, has contributed to the transfer of scientific and technological findings into operational earth observation.

Every year, DLR awards the title of "DLR Senior Scientist" to scientists who have either excelled in the field of basic research or who have made a particular contribution in the field of application-oriented project work.


Prof. Michael Eineder

Acting Co-Director IMF / Head of Department SAR Signal Processing
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Earth Observation Center (EOC)
Remote Sensing Technology Institute (IMF)
Oberpfaffenhofen, 82234 Weßling
Tel: +49 8153 28-1396