Relocating the DFD X-1 Antenna in Neustrelitz
In an unusual, concerted operation, one of the three DFD X/S-band antennas in Neustrelitz was moved from its previous location to the roof of the new DFD building. This transport completes the equipping of building 206 at DLR in Neustrelitz.
The new building provides on its roof a new, ideal antenna location that offers almost free optical visibility (from 0°elevation) in all directions. Already in the new building’s planning and construction phase the architectural and structural conditions for a roof antenna were created.
Placing the existing X1 antenna at the new location not only improves reception conditions but also frees the former location for the installation of a new antenna system. System X1 was erected in 1994 as the first antenna expenditure after reunification. After 20 years of operation some repairs and renovation were also due.
After successful rooftop installation the reintegration of the system’s components is in progress.
When routine operations are resumed in October, local conditions for satellite data reception will be considerably improved and an ideal setting created for future research and development activities.