Intelligent mobility application platform

Anwendungsplattform Intelligente Mobilität
Road traffic in front of Braunschweig main station

With the Intelligent Mobility Application Platform (AIM), a large-scale research facility (test areas, simulators, vehicles) unique in Germany has been created with the support of the federal government, the state of Lower Saxony and the city of Braunschweig, which can cover the entire spectrum of transport research. The basic infrastructure is constantly being expanded and adapted to new tasks, depending on the issue at hand. This means that scientific institutions as well as small, medium-sized and large companies can conduct individual research on "their" topics and turn their inventions into innovations.

Our research facilities and laboratories are at your disposal for tests and studies. Get in touch with us!


Marc Hohloch

Head of Department
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Transportation Systems
Research Infrastructure Management
Rutherfordstr. 2, 12489 Berlin