June 29, 2022

German-Japanese symposium on safety assurance for connected and automated driving

  • The safeCAD-DJ workshop promoted the exchange on safety in connected and automated driving between Germany and Japan.
  • It was organised by DLR and ThIMo from 1 to 3 June in Berlin.
  • The focus was on Safety methods, results from VIVID, SETLevel, VV methods, and global exchange.

Based on the project cooperation between Japan and Germany in the field of safety assurance for connected and automated driving, the joint workshop safeCAD-DJ (German-Japanese symposium on safety assurance for connected and automated driving) took place. Its aim was to create a fruitful and efficient framework for the exchange of results and to stimulate discussion of future projects.

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the Thüringer Innovationszentrum Mobilität (ThIMo) invited participants to Berlin-Adlershof from 1 to 3 June.

The selection of experts and the agenda are based on the major German and Japanese industrial-academic projects VIVID with its sub-projects VIVALDI (BMBF, Germany) and DVIP (CAO, Japan) as well as the PEGASUS projects VVMethods and SETLevel.

Selected experts discussed the latest results of leading CAD projects as well as research strategies to promote bilateral exchange and global harmonisation. Methodologies and tool chains for safety assurance in the field of automated and connected driving were the technical focus of this symposium, which combined the mid-term event of the binational joint project VIVID with current research results from SETLevel and VVMethods.

The project is funded as part of the industrial-academic joint projects VIVID (BMBF) and VVMethoden (BMWK) and additionally sponsored by ADC Automotive Distance Control Systems, DLR and ThIMo.


Dr. Caroline Schießl

Head of Department
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Transportation Systems
Information Flow Modeling in Mobility Systems
Lilienthalplatz 7, 38108 Braunschweig