Data Management

Data management handles the data flow from acquisition, processing and archiving to user access inside the payload data ground segment of an Earth observation mission. It ensures a smooth flow of orders and requests throughout the system and provides monitoring and reporting functionalities.

At the EOC Earth observation data and products from missions and scientific projects are managed inside the "German Satellite Data Archive" D-SDA. D-SDA handles all aspects of managing large volumes of diverse data sets - its key services being data archiving, data administration, and data access. It incorporates the data management capabilities of a mission payload data ground segment with those of an Earth observation data center.

As the central EOC archiving infrastructure, D-SDA is currently hosting over 25 petabyte of Earth observation data and value-added products - distributed across two locations, Oberpfaffenhofen and Neustrelitz.

D-SDA uses high-capacity robotic tape libraries for data storage and high-performance servers for data archiving, cataloging, order management, and data retrieval. With a capacity of over 50 petabytes, the D-SDA robotic tape libraries are well-equipped for handling the data volumes of current and future satellite missions. Approximately 4 petabytes of disk cache ensure swift data transfers between archive and processing systems.

The "Data and Information Management System" DIMS is the data management software backbone of the D-SDA. DIMS software components are constantly evolving in collaboration with an industrial partner. Being highly configurable and scalable for a wide range of  data management  facilities  DIMS components are also used for example within the ESA Sentinel payload data ground segments.

Earth observation data are unique snapshots of the condition of Earth or atmosphere at a specific point in time. The EOC therefore puts particular emphasis on long-term data preservation with the objective to keep the valuable data and products accessible and useable for future generations.


Eberhard Mikusch

Head of Department
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD)
Information Technology
Oberpfaffenhofen, 82234 Weßling
Tel: +49 8153 28-2721