Copernicus core geoinformation services
The core geoinformation services are a substantial component of the Copernicus programme. Primarily to meet European needs, products and services are regularly and sustainably made available based on Sentinel data and, depending on the particular service, on other satellite data and geoinformation. These products are also freely available without restriction. The services are financed through the Copernicus budget of the European Commission, which also gives mandated organisations responsibility for their implementation or allocation to European consortia. There are at present six core geoinformation services (the commissioned organisations are in parentheses)
- Land Monitoring (European Environment Agency, EEA & Joint Research Center, JRC)
- Monitoring the Marine Environment (Mercator Ocean)
- Disaster and Crisis Management (Joint Research Center, JRC)
- Monitoring the Atmosphere (European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecast, ECMWF)
- Monitoring Climate Change (European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecast, ECMWF)
- Civil Security (European Maritime Security Agency, EMSA and Satellite Center, SatCen, and the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, FRONTEX)
DFD had a central role in developing the services for disaster and crisis management and continues to carry out similar responsibilities by national mandate and through ZKI, the International Charter Space and Major Disasters.
In addition, within the framework of European research DFD has played a leading role in defining the atmosphere service, CAMS, by being closely involved in the precursor projects and in charge of the Atmosphere Consortium within the ESA GEMS Service Element. DFD is currently in charge of the user interface for CAMS as a whole (see link). as well as leading a component of the climate change service dealing with the composition of the atmosphere -- aerosols, greenhouse gases and ozone).