German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD) of DLR
The German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD) and the Remote Sensing Technology Institute (IMF) together comprise the Earth Observation Center (EOC). This cluster of institutes of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) is the leading national research and development organization in the field of earth observation.
DFD acquires data from numerous national, European, and other international satellite missions worldwide. The payload ground segment necessary for data reception includes antenna facilities in Neustrelitz and Oberpfaffenhofen as well as an international network of receiving stations, among others on the Antarctic Peninsula (GARS O’Higgins Station), in the Arctic (Inuvik Station in northern Canada) and in Mexico (Chetumal Station). These stations have been designed for multimission operation and are also available for the campaigns and operational tasks of European and other international missions.
The acquired data are processed at DFD into value-added products, made available over the Internet, and archived and safeguarded long-term for retrospective analysis.
DLR owns the GARS O’Higgins Station and is responsible for satellite operation, management, infrastructure and logistics.