Weather Measurement Network
Since 2004 the DEMMIN calibration and validation facility has had at its disposal an Automated Agrometeorological Weather Measurement Network (AAMW) that can be used to validate satellite data and products of different geometric and temporal resolutions. The system is comprised of the following components (ADCON TELEMETRY):
- Autonomous automated weather measurement stations,
- A central processing and control centre
- Telemetry and communication links.
Data measured at stations in the field are transmitted to a central processing and control centre that also functions as a data server.
The measurement stations supply the following parameters: wind direction and velocity, air temperature and humidity, leaf surface moisture, amount and intensity of rainfall, shortwave and longwave radiation and counterradiation, ground temperature and moisture, and in some cases the air pressure at 15 minute intervals.
The weather measurement stations are so distributed throughout the DEMMIN calibration and validation facility that they are useful for investigating small-scale as well as regional variations in weather conditions.
The measurements collected at the field stations are transmitted by telemetry link either directly to the receiving station or indirectly via a relay station to a reference station. From there the data are transferred over the Internet to a data server. The data are then processed in an automated processing environment called the Data Information Management System (DIMS).