Transport und Klima (TraK)
The Transport and Climate (TraK) project brings together the expertise of various DLR institutes and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht to analyse possible development paths for the transport system.
The aim is to strengthen and combine both transport research (behaviour, supply, demand and use) and impact research (atmosphere, air pollutants and climate). All modes of transport are taken into account in TraK and the consortium aims to analyse a global projection of the transport system. In addition to a global emissions inventory of transport, this global projection is intended to flank the in-depth analysis of the German and European transport system in particular. In addition, the expertise for determining transport development in urban regions and the resulting emissions is to be strengthened. This is taking place against the background that, as a result of steadily increasing urbanisation, a large part of the increase in emissions worldwide is caused by cities and their inhabitants. In this context, urban information extracted from earth observation data at various levels of detail is combined with traffic and emissions data.