07/2024 – 06/2025


The project deals with the AI-based recording and monitoring of climate-induced natural disasters and the analysis of exposure. It builds on many years of cooperation with research partners in Chile, aims to further strengthen and expand this partnership and prepare future research projects in and with Chile. Scientifically, the focus is on developing methods for flood/fire monitoring and exposure modeling. The aim is to learn from current Chilean use cases, e.g. the flood events in 2023 and the devastating forest fires in 2023 and 2024. Together with Chilean partners, the application potential of European earth observation data will also be discussed, e.g. through cooperation with the "Copernicus Regional Center for Latin America and the Caribbean (CopLAC-Chile)".

The KI-NATEX project will enable DFD to further expand its scientific expertise in natural hazards and georisk research. In addition to the further development of new methods in the field of artificial intelligence, existing partnerships with Chilean institutions will be consolidated and expanded.