DLR, 2023 – 2025


In the GEOCON project ("Satellite-based geoinformation in urban conflict regions for supporting humanitarian activities"), demand-oriented information products are being created for conflict regions, such as Ukraine, in an interactive situation visualization for humanitarian aid activities.

For this purpose, relevant information on the settlement structure (e.g. 3D information or type of use) is first derived and then potential destruction is detected using AI analyses. By combining this with other information, such as social media, news services or other geodata, a comprehensive situation analysis can be created, which is displayed interactively. The work is accompanied by a HumTech Support Team, which promotes further networking and cooperation in the field of scientific and technological support for humanitarian aid.

The information products are developed together with the humanitarian partners UN OCHA, Worldbank, World Food Programme, German Red Cross and THW to guarantee that the data analysis as well as the application are implemented in a user-friendly way.