12/2020 – 05/2023


In FOPOS werden vom ZKI Zusatzinformationen gesammelt und verarbeitet, um ergänzende raum-zeitliche Informationen zu z.B. Katastrophenereignissen zu gewinnen. Fernerkundungsprodukte sollen durch die kombinierte (automatisierte) Analyse mit heterogenen Informationsschichten optimiert werden.

The aim of the project "Research and user-compliant products for national and international BOS" was the intelligent fusion of information to create user-specific ZKI products for authorities and organizations with security tasks (BOS).

Using various earth observation and geodata information from different platforms, as well as geosocial media or web news, can significantly improve the spatial and temporal resolution, geographical coverage and other thematic information in analysis products and thus make a significant contribution to supporting situation awareness and evaluation.

The project focused on the individual demands of the BOS actors and tested some of the developed solutions in concrete operational exercises as far as possible.


Dr. Monika Gähler

German Remote Sensing Data Center
Geo-Risks and Civil Security
Oberpfaffenhofen, 82234 Weßling